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  • Personal Profile


Dr. Chunmei Wu received her Ph.D. degree in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics at Chongqing University in 2013 and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Toronto in 2013-2015. She joined the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University in 2015.


Education Background:

2020-Present Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University

2015-2020 Associate professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University

2003-2015 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Toronto,Canda

2003-2015 Lecture, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University

2009-2013 Joint-training Ph.D., Department of Mechanical & Industry Engineering, University of Toronto, together with College of Power Engineering, Chongqing University

2004-2008 Bachelor of Engineering, College of Power Engineering, Chongqing University


Research Interests:

  Interfacial energy and Mass transfer

  Theory and application of nonequilibrium thermodynamics

  Flow stability and instability


  Energy saving technology and thermal mangement

  Energy storage


Research Grants

National Science Foundation of China

National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China

Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing

Venture & Innovation Support Program for Chongqing Overseas Returnees

Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project


Selected Publications

Journal Papers:

[1]     Wu CM, Wei X., Li YR, Investigation on the mechanisms of cluster formation  and transition from adsorption to condensation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 171:121096

[2]     Wei X., Wu CM, Li YR, Molecular insight into the formation of adsorption clusters based on the zeta isotherm, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 10123-10131

[3]     Wu CM, Chen J.H., Li YR, Mixed oscillation flow of binary fluid with minus one capillary ratio in the czochralski crystal growth model, Crystals, 2020(3), 213.

[4]     Wu CM, Chen J.H., Yuan B., Li YR, Bifurcations and pattern evolutions of thermo-solutocapillary flow in rotating cylinder with a top disk, Physics of Fluids, 31:094103, 2019.

[5]     Chen JC, Wu CMLi YR, Yu JJ, Capillary ratio dependence of thermal-solutal capillary convection in a shallow annular pool with radial temperature and concentration gradients, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 139:15-24, 2019.

[6]     Wu CM, Luo J.Q., Yu J.J., Li Y. R., Thermocapillary convection of a binary mixture with the Soret effect in a shallow annular pool heated from belowFluid Dynamics Research, 51: 065501, 2019

[7]     Wu CM, Yuan B, Li YR, Flow Instabilities of Coupled Rotation and Thermal-Solutal Capillary Convection of Binary Mixture in Czochralski Configuration, Crystals, 9:72, 2019.

[8]     Shen T, Wu CMLi YR, Numerical simulation on effect of rotation on thermal convection in a shallow model czochralski configuration with a heated bottomCrystal Research and Technology, 52(9):1700268, 2018.

[9]     Zhang L, Luo JQ, Wu CM, Yu JJ, Li YR, Thermocapillary convection in a binary mixture with moderate Prandtl number in a shallow annular pool, Microgravity Science and Technology, 30(1-2):33-42, 2018.

[10]  Ye S, Wu CM, Zhang L, Li YR, Liu QS, Evolution of thermal patterns during steady state evaporation of sessile droplets, Experiemtnal Thermal and Fluid Science, 98: 712-718, 2018.

[11]  Chen JC, Wu CMLi YR, Yu JJ, Effect of capillary ratio on thermal-solutal capillary-buoyancy convection in a shallow annular pool with radial temperature and concentration gradients, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 109: 367-377, 2017.

[12]  Yu JJ, Wu CMLi YR, Chen JC, Thermal-solutal capillary-buoyancy flow of a low Prandtl number binary mixture with a -1 capillary ratio in an annular pool, Physics of Fluids, 28(8):084102, 2016.

[13]  Shen T, Wu CM, Zhang L, Li YR, Experimental investigation on effects of crystal and crucible rotation on thermal convection in a model Czochralski configuration. Journal of Crystal Growth, 438:55-62, 2016.

[14]  Shen T, Wu CMLi, Li YR, Experimental investigation on the effect of crystal and crucible rotation on thermocapillary convection in a Czochralski configuration, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 104:20-28, 2016.

[15]  Wu CM, Zandavi SH, Ward CA, Prediction of the wetting condition from the Zeta adsorption isotherm, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(46):25564-72, 2014.

[16]  Wu CM, Liao RJ, Rotating and thermocapillary-buoyancy-driven flow in a cylindrical enclosure with a partly free surface, Physics of Fluids, 26:104105, 2014.

[17]  Wu CM, Ran DF, Liao RJ, Flow pattern transition driven by the combined Marangoni effect and rotation of crucible and crystal in a Czochralski configuration, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 86:394-407, 2014.