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Peiqi Liang



主要从事:从事电化学工程研究,在读本科、博士和博士后其间,师从国际顶尖专家在不同领域方向进行研究:(1)液流电池(F. Walsh教授, 南安普顿大学),(2)热质传递(赵天寿教授院士, 香港科技大学),(3)功能材料(M. Anderson教授, 威斯康星大学),(4)锂离子电池(P. Grant教授FREng, 牛津大学),(5)热流模拟 (K. Luo 教授FREng, 伦敦大学学院)。利用工程科学和基础化学跨学科的研究基础进行开发高效能,低成本,可持续且安全...
  • Personal Profile


I received a BEng in Engineering Sciences and a PhD in Electrochemical Engineering from the University of Southampton. My PhD project focused on the development of a zinc-cerium redox flow batteries. After my graduation, I have held a number of research positions in several leading universities/institutions under the supervisions of top experts in the areas of energy storage and material processing. My research interests lie in the fields of electrochemical devices, mathematical modelling, mechanical testing and novel characterization/manufacturing techniques. I was also awarded a ´´Marie Curie fellowship´ and have been proactive in seeking teaching experiences and collaborating with industrial companies.




Education Background:

Oct 2007  July 2011, University of Southampton, PhD

Oct 2004  July, 2007, University of Southampton, BEng(1st class)


Research Interests:

Energy storage

Organic batteries

Electrochemical reduction of CO2



Research Grants

Innovate UK, ‘HVM Catapult’, GBP 5+M, 2012 – 2014.

European Commission, ‘Marie Curie Fellowship’ EUR 200k, 2014 –2016.

Repsol Programa Inspire, ‘Batería de Flujo Orgánica para vehículos eléctricos de recarga ultrarrápida con surtidores convencionales ‘(BAFO), EUR 300k,2015 – 2017.

EPSRC, ‘Enabling next generation lithium batteries’, GBP 8.4 M, 2016 – 2020.



Selected Publications

Journal Papers:

P. Leung, T. Martin, Q. Xu, C. Flox, M.R. Mohamad, J. Palma, A. Rodchanarowan, X. Zhu, W.W. Xing, A.A. Shah, A new aqueous all-organic flow battery with high cell voltage in acidic electrolytes, Applied Energy, 2020.

P. Leung, J.F. Bu,, P. Quijano Velasco, M. R. Roberts, N. Grobert, P. S. Grant, “Single-step spray printing of symmetric all-organic solid state batteries based on porous textile dye electrodes’, Adv. Energy Mater, 2019, 1901418.

P. Leung, D. Aili, Q. Xu, A. Shah, Rechargeable organic-air flow batteries, Sustainable & Energy Fuels., 2018, 2, 2252-2259.

A. Khor+, P. Leung+, L. Sanz, C. Flox, Q. Xu, L. An, M.R. Mohamed, J.R. Morante, A.A. Shah* “Review of Zinc-based hybrid flow batteries: From fundamentals to applications´´, Materials Today Energy, 2018, 8, 80 – 108.

P. Leung, L. Sanz, C. Flox, J.R. Morante, Q. Xu, A.A. Shah, M.R. Mohamed, C. Ponce de Leon, F.C. Walsh, “Recent developments in organic redox flow batteries: a critical review´´, J. Power Sources, 2017, 360, 243 – 284.

P. Leung, T. Martin, J. Palma, A. Shah, L. An, R. Marcilla, M. Anderson, “Cyclohexanedione as negative electrode reactions for aqueous organic redox flow batteries´´, Applied Energy, 2017,197, 318 - 326.

P. Leung, T. Martin, A. Shah, M.R. Mohamed, M. Anderson, J. Palma, “Membrane-less hybrid flow battery based on low-cost elements´´, J. Power Sources , 2017, 341, 36 – 45.

P. Leung, T. Martin, A. Shah, M. Anderson, J. Palma, “Membrane-less organic-inorganic aqueous flow batteries with improved cell potential´´, Chem.Commun., 2016, 52, 14270 – 14273.

P.K. Leung, J. Palma, E- Garcia-Quismondo, L. Sanz, M.R. Mohamed, M. Anderson, “Evaluation of electrode materials for all-copper hybrid flow batteries´´, J. Power Sources , 2016, 310, 1 – 11.

P.K. Leung, S. Heck, T. Amietszajew, M.R. Mohamed, C. Moreno, R.J. Dashwood, R. Bhagat, “Performance and polarization studies of magnesium-antimony liquid metal battery with the use of in-situ reference electrode´´, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 83096 – 83104.

P.K. Leung, M.R. Mohamed, A. Shah, Q. Xu, M.B. Conde, “A mixed acid based vanadium-cerium redox flow battery with a zero-gap serpentine architecture’, J. Power Sources, 2015, 274, pp. 651 – 658.

P.K. Leung, C. Moreno, I. Masters, S. Hazra, B. Conde, M.R. Mohamed, R.J. Dashwood, R. Bhagat, “Real-time displacement and strain mappings of lithium-ion batteries using three-dimensional digital image correlation’, J. Power Sources, 2014, 271, pp. 82 – 86.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce de León, F.J. Recio, P. Herrasti, F.C. Walsh, “Corrosion of the zinc negative electrode of zinc-cerium hybrid redox flow batteries in methanesulfonic acid’, J. Appl. Electrochem., 2014, 44, pp. 1025 – 1035.

P.K. Leung, Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, Z. Lin, Z. Cheng, “Preparation of silica nanocomposite anion-exchange membranes with low vanadium-ion crossover for vanadium redox flow batteries’, Electrochim. Acta, 2013, 105, pp 584 - 592.

P. Leung, X. Li, C. Ponce de León, L. Berlouis, C.T. J. Low, F. C. Walsh, ‘Progress in redox flow batteries, remaining challenges and their applications in energy storage’, RSC Advances, 2012, 2, 20236-10156.

P.K. Leung, Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, ‘High-potential zinc-lead dioxide rechargeable batteries’, Electrochim. Acta, 2012, 79, pp.117-125.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, F.C. Walsh, “The influence of operational parameters on the performance of an undivided zinc-cerium flow battery’, Electrochim. Acta, 2012, 80, pp. 7-14.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, F.C. Walsh, ‘An undivided zinc-cerium redox flow battery operating at room temperature’, Electrochem. Comm., 2011, 13(8), 700-703.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, A.A. Shah, F.C. Walsh, ‘Characterization of a zinc-cerium flow battery’, J. Power Sources, 2011, 196, pp. 5174-5185.

P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, F.C. Walsh, ‘Zinc deposition and dissolution in methanesulfonic acid as the negative electrode reaction of a redox flow battery’, Electrochim. Acta, 2011, 56 (18), pp 6536-6546.





