Name |
Yun Huang |

Department |
Department of Renewable energy |
Title |
Associate professor |
Contact Information |
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Dr. Huang obtained her doctor's degree in engineering from Zhejiang University in 2014. In the same year, she joined the Power Engineering Institute of Chongqing University through the introduction of the domestic talents of Chongqing University. As a project leader, she has undertaken 2 research projects supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China and 1 research project supported by the State's Key Project of Research and Development Plan. Besides, Dr. Huang is the communication evaluation expert of National Natural Science Fundation of China, reviewer of national and international journals "Chemical Engineering Journal", "Bioresource Technology", "Applied energy", "Energy conversion and management", "International Journal of Hydrogen Energy", etc.
Her research mainly focuses on key issues about thermal physics in energy and environmental technology, CO2 fixation and wastewater treatment by microalgae, Flow and mass transport in microalgae suspension and biofilm, microalgae application in wastewater treatment.
Education Background:
Associate Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University, China.
Topic: flow and mass transfer in photo-bioreactor for microalgae cultivation to fix CO2 from flue gas and microbioenergy conversion technology.
Ph. D in State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, China.
Thesis Topic: Process regulation for microalgae to fix high concentrations of CO2 in flue gas
BS in School of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering in Jiangsu University, China.
Research Interests:
Microalgae biomass conversion and utilization
Photo-bioreactor for microalgae cultivation
CO2 fixation and wastewater treatment by microalgae
Flow and mass transport in microalgae suspension and biofilm
Scale up of microalgae cultivation and conversion system
Research Grants:
- 2020:
National Natural Science Funds of China (No. 52076023, 4 years, 580,000 RMB)
- 2019:
National Key Research and Development Program of China (No.2018YFB1501401, 4 years, 370,000 RMB)
- 2017:
National Natural Science Funds of China for Young Scholar (No. 51606020, 3 years, 250,000 RMB)
- 2016:
Postdoctoral Scientific Research Project of Chongqing, China (No. Xm2015070, 2 years, 50,000 RMB)
- 2015:
Science and Technology Support Program of Sichuan, China (No.2016GZ0317, 3 years, 300,000 RMB)
- 2015:
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (No. 106112015CDJXY140003, 3 years, 100,000 RMB)
Selected Publications:
Journal Papers:
1. Chaoyang Wei, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu, Ao Xia, Xianqing Zhu. Application of bubble carrying to Chlorella vulgaris flocculation with branched cationic starch: an efficient and economical microalgae harvesting method for biofuel production [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 213: 112833
2. Chaoyang Wei, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Xianqing Zhu. Analysis of the energy barrier between Chlorella vulgaris cells and their interfacial interactions with cationic starch under different pH and ionic strength [J]. Bioresource technology, 2020, 304: 123012.
3. Yun Huang, Chaoyang Wei, Qiang Liao*, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Xianqing Zhu. Biodegradable branched cationic starch with high C/N ratio for Chlorella vulgaris cells concentration: regulating microalgae flocculation performance by pH. Bioresource Technology. 2019. 276: 133-139.
4. Chaoyang Wei, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Xianqing Zhu. Adsorption thermodynamic characteristics of Chlorella vulgaris with organic polymer adsorbent cationic starch: Effect of temperature on adsorption capacity and rate. Bioresource Technology. 2019.293.122056.
5. Yaping Zheng, Yun Huang*, Ao Xia, Fu Qian, Chaoyang Wei. A rapid inoculation methods for microalgae biofilm cultivation based on microalgae-microalgae co-flocculation and zeta-potential adjustment. Bioresource Technology. 2019. 278 :272-278
6. Yangli Ye, Yun Huang*, Ao Xia, Qian Fu, Qiang Liao*, Weida Zeng, Yaping Zheng, Xun Zhu, Optimizing culture conditions for heterotrophic-assisted photoautotrophic biofilm growth of Chlorella vulgar to simultaneously improve biomass and lipid productivity, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 270:80-87
7. Ao Xia, Ziming Hu, Qiang Liao*, Yun Huang*, Xun Zhu, Wenfan Ye, Yahui Sun. Enhancement of CO2 transfer and microalgae growth by perforated inverted arc trough internals in a flat-plate photobioreactor. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 269: 292-299.
8. Yun Huang, Yaping Zheng, Jun Li, Qiang Liao*, Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Jingwei Fu, Yahui Sun. Enhancing microalgae biofilm formation and growth by fabricating microgrooves onto the substrate surface. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 261: 36-43.
9. Yahui Sun, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Ao Xia, Qian Fu, Xun Zhu, Jingwei Fu. Boosting Nannochloropsis oculata growth and lipid accumulation in a lab-scale open raceway pond characterized by improved light distributions employing built-in planar waveguide modules. 2018 Bioresource Technology 249 :880-889
10. Chaoyang Wei, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Yahui Sun. The kinetics of the polyacrylic superabsorbent polymers swelling in microalgae suspension to concentrate cells density. 2018 Bioresource Technology 249:713-719
11. Yun Huang, Jun Cheng, Hongxiang Lu, Yong He, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen. Transcriptome and key genes expression related to carbon fixation pathways in Chlorella PY-ZU1 cells and their growth under high concentrations of CO2. 2017. 10:181. Biotechnology for biofuels.
12. Yun Huang, Sha Zhao, Yu-dong Ding, Qiang Liao, Yong Huang, Xun Zhu. Optimizing the gas distributor based on CO2 bubble dynamic behaviors to improve microalgal biomass production in an air-lift photo-bioreactor. 2017. Bioresource Technology. 233: 84–91
13. Yong Huang, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Improving phosphorus removal efficiency and Chlorella vulgaris growth in high-phosphate MFC wastewater by frequent addition of small amounts of nitrate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017. 42 (45): Pages 27749-27758.
14. Yaping Zheng, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Impact of the accumulation and adhesion of released oxygen during Scenedesmus obliquus photosynthesis on biofilm formation and growth. 2017 Bioresource Technology 244(1): pp198-205.
15. Xiao-jian Ding, Yun Huang*,Qiang Liao, Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Chao Xiao. Medium-low temperature hydrothermal hydrolysis kinetic characteristics of concentrated wet microalgae biomass Chlorella vulgaris. 2017 International journal of agricultural and biological engineering 10:154-162.
16. Yun Huang, Wei Xiong, Qiang Liao, Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Comparison of Chlorella vulgaris biomass productivity cultivated in biofilm and suspension from the aspect of light transmission and microalgae affinity to carbon dioxide. 2016. Bioresource Technology.222: 367–373.
17. Yun Huang, Yahui Sun, Qiang Liao, Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Improvement on light penetrability and microalgae biomass production by periodically pre-harvesting Chlorella vulgaris cells with culture medium recycling. 2016. Bioresource Technology. 216: 669–676
18. Hai-Xing Chang, Yun Huang*, Qian Fu, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu. Kinetic characteristics and modeling of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris growth and CO2 biofixation considering the coupled effects of light intensity and dissolved inorganic carbon. 2016 Bioresource Technology. 206:231–238. (ESI高被引论文)
19. Ya-Hui Sun, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Qian Fu, Xun Zhu. Enhancement of microalgae production by embedding hollow light guides to a flat-plate photobioreactor. 2016. Bioresource Technology. 207:31–38.
20. Yaping Zheng, Yun Huang, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu, Qian Fu, Ao Xia. The effects of substrate surface wettability and hydrodynamic conditions on the growth of Scenedesmus Obliquus biofilm. 2016. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016-6.
21. Yun Huang, Jun Cheng, Hongxiang Lu, Rui Huang, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen. Simultaneous enhancement of microalgae biomass growth and lipid accumulation under continuous aeration with 15% CO2. RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 50851 - 50858