Name |
Lan Xiao |

Department |
Renewable Energy |
Title |
Associate Professor |
Contact Information | |
Lan Xiao received her PhD in Engineering Thermophysics from Chongqing University, China in 2012. She is currently an associate professor and master supervisor in the School of Energy and Power Engineering of Chongqing University. She is mainly engaged in the teaching and scientific research of heat and mass transfer, solar thermal power conversion and utilization, etc. She is a lecturer of Engineering Mass Transfer, Solar Energy Utilization Principle and Technology. As the leader of several projects, she has undertaken research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi Province, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and Key Laboratory of Low-grade Energy Utilization Technology and System of ministry of Education. She also participated in the projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Fundamental Research Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology (“973 Program”), the Research Start-up Fund project of the Ministry of Education for Returned Overseas Scholars and the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing. She won the "Academician Huang Shanglian Youth Innovation Award". In recent years, in the field of solar energy utilization (including solar cavity receiver, photovoltaic power generation, photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) system, solar photochemical utilization) and the direct thermoelectric conversion devices (including alkali metal thermoelectric converter, thermoelectric generator, etc), She has published more than 20 papers on important SCI journals such as Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Applied Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Energy Conversion and Management, with total citation frequency of over 300 times. She participated in the writing of monograph “Theory and Application of Thermal Economics”. She was authorized 8 invention patents and 3 utility model patents.
Research Interests:
(1) Thermophysical problems in solar power generation and thermal utilization;
(2) Energy efficient conversion and energy saving technology;
(3) Heat and mass transfer and its engineering applications;
(4) Thermodynamics and its application.
Journal Papers:
[1] Lan Xiao*, Song He, Shuang-Ying Wu, Zhi-Li Chen. Optical-thermal conversion characteristics of cylindrical receiver with built-in helically coiled tubes. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2020, 37: 100626.
[2] Lan Xiao*, Xiao-Dong Cai, Shuang-Ying Wu. Experimental investigation on natural convective heat loss of cylindrical cavity with/without a quartz window. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 150: 106220.
[3] Lan Xiao*, Run Shi, Shuang-Ying Wu, Zhi-Li Chen. Performance study on a photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) stepped solar still with a bottom channel. Desalination, 2019, 471: 114129.
[4] Lan Xiao*, Feng-Wei Guo, Shuang-Ying Wu, Zhi-Li Chen. A comprehensive simulation on optical and thermal performance of a cylindrical cavity receiver in a parabolic dish collector system. Renewable Energy, 2020, 145: 878-892.
[5] Lan Xiao*, Deng Zhang, Shuang-Ying Wu, Hui-Jia Yu. Condensation heat transfer characteristics of the alkali metal thermal to electric converter (AMTEC) porous wick condenser. Thermal Science, 2019, 23(3B): 1911-1922.
[6] Lan Xiao*, Ya-Di Fan, Shuang-Ying Wu, Zhi-Li Chen. Preliminary analysis on thermodynamic and thermo-economic performance of a solar CPC–KCS hybrid system, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2019, 38(4):1-12.
[7] Lan Xiao*, Shuang-Ying Wu, Shi-Ling Yang. Parametric study on the thermoelectric conversion performance of a concentrated solar driven thermionic-thermoelectric hybrid generator. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 42(2): 656-672.
[8] Lan Xiao*, Shuang-Ying Wu, Yang Shang. Theoretical analysis of sodium vapor condensation on a plate imbedded in a porous medium under zero gravity condition. Heat Transfer Research, 2017, 48(15): 1359-1378.
[9] Lan Xiao*, Hai-Yan Wu, Shuang-Ying Wu. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of alkali metal liquid in a pipe with inscribed regular polygon porous media. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017, 31(4): 1987-1994.
[10] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu,Chun Li, The critical external heat source conditions for subcritical ORC system based on thermo-economics, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(8): 3853-3860.
[11] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, Tian-Tian Yi, Chao Liu, You-Rong Li, Multi-objective optimization of evaporation and condensation temperatures for subcritical organic Rankine cycle, Energy, 2015, 83: 723-733.
[12] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li, Numerical study on combined free-forced convection heat loss of solar cavity receiver under wind environments, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2012, 60: 182-194.
[13] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li, Natural convection heat loss estimation of solar cavity receiver by incorporating a modified aperture ratio, IET Renewable Power Generation, 2012, 6(2): 122-128.
[14] Lan Xiao, Yi-Ding Cao, Recent advances in pulsating heat pipes and its derivatives, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2012, 19(3): 213-231.
[15] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, Qiao-Ling Zhang, You-Rong Li, Theoretical investigation on thermal performance of heat pipe flat plate solar collector with cross flow heat exchanger, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 48(7): 1167-1176.
[16] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li, Advances in solar hydrogen production via two-step water-splitting thermochemical cycles based on metal redox reactions, Renewable Energy, 2012, 41: 1-12.
[17] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Si-Min Chen, Jin-Liang Xu, You-Rong Li, Exergo-economic criteria for performance evaluation of enhanced heat transfer duct with constant wall temperature, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 36: 393-402.
[18] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, You-Rong Li, Effect of aperture position and size on natural convection heat loss of a solar heat-pipe receiver, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31(14-15): 2787-2796.
[19] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Comparative study of the effect of fouling on heat exchangers performance based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics, International Journal of Exergy, 2011, 9(1): 1-20.
[20] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Yiding Cao, You-Rong Li. A parabolic dish/AMTEC solar thermal power system and its performance evaluation. Applied Energy, 2010, 87: 452-462.
[21] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Yiding Cao, You-Rong Li, Convection heat loss from cavity receiver in parabolic dish solar thermal power system- A review, Solar Energy, 2010, 84(8): 1342-1355.
[22] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Yi-Ding Cao, You-Rong Li. A review on advances in alkali metal thermal to electric converters (AMTECs). International Journal of Energy Research, 2009, 33: 868-892.
[1] Lan Xiao, Hai-Yan Wu, Shuang-Ying Wu, Quan-Wei Chu, Parametric analysis of condensation heat transfer characteristics of AMTEC wick condenser. Energy Procedia, 105: 4698-4705, 2017, 8th International Conference on Applied Energy –ICAE2016, Beijing, China, Oct.8-11, 2016.
[2] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, Shi-Ling Yang, Preliminary Analysis of a Concentrated Solar Driven Thermionic-Thermoelectric Hybrid Generator, International Conference on Energy for Environmental and Economic Sustainability, Lahore, Pakistan, Oct.20-23, 2016.
[3] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu*, A comparative study on the convection heat loss characteristics of solar cavity receiver based on the Boussinesq approximation and the ideal gas law, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2013), Paper No. B010, Guilin, China, July 16-19, 2013.
[4] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li, Thermal-electric conversion efficiency of the dish/AMTEC solar thermal power system in wind condition, 2012 Third International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, pp.972-974, Guilin, China, July 31 - August 2, 2012.
[5] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, You-Rong Li. Impact of cavity aspect ratio on natural convection heat loss of a solar receiver for high-temperature dish system. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 268-270: 214-218.
[6] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Si-Min Chen, Feng-Hua Guo. Exergo-economic performance evaluation of enhanced tube under equivalent pump power consumption. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 354-355: 310-314.
[7] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li. Effect of cavity wall temperature and opening ratio on the natural convection heat loss characteristics of a solar cavity receiver. 2011 International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring, Changsha, China, 2010.