Name |
Liang-ming Pan |

Department |
Nuclear Engineering |
Title |
Professor |
Contact Information |;+86-23-65102280 |
Professor Pan Liangming received his Ph.D. from Chongqing University in 2002. He is now the chair professor and the academic discipline director of the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chongqing University. He has been long engaged in the research work of reactor thermohydraulics, especially the theory and measurement of bubble dynamics in the application of nuclear reactor thermohydraulics. He served as a senior visiting professor in the researching group of Professor Mamoru Ishii, Purdue University and Professor J. C. Tien, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2013 and 2004 respectively.
As the principle investigator, he has undertaken a large number of research projects related to thermohydraulics of nuclear reactor. He has supervised 10 Ph.D. recipients and nearly 50 Master recipients so far. In recent years, more than 160 peer-reviewed papers have been published in journals and in international conferences. He has won two scientific research awards such as the first prize of the 2004 Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education of China. He is now a member of the Nuclear Engineering Teaching and Instruction Committee of the Ministry of Education of China, and also is one of the academic members of the Nuclear Reactor Thermal and Hydraulic Technology Laboratory and other laboratory academic committees and panels. Professor Pan Liangming has dedicated himself as chair and co-chair to ICONE, NURETH, PBNC, WORTH etc. since 2007.
Website of MFIP
Research Interests:
The laboratory team of multiphase flow and interface phenomena has been engaged in the experimental, theoretical and numerical simulation research work of reactor thermal hydraulic and safety analysis, heat and mass transfer, bubble dynamics and two-phase flow and has made fruitful achievements. The laboratory team is equipped with experimental platform of multi-degree thermal hydraulics, experimental platform of gas-water two-phase flow thermal hydraulics, experimental platform of narrow channel two-phase flow boiling, experimental platform of bubble dynamics, experimental platform of multi-scale liquid film measurement, experimental platform of microchannel water electrolysis with magnetic field, platform Comprehensive experimental platform for problem research, etc. The team has high-performance computing server with maximum calculation ability of 50 million grids. The research lab is equipped with RELAP5 and CFD software, and also develops sub-channel analysis programs.
The team has completed and working on several research funds and also cooperated with several research institutions to perform applied research. The team has published more than 100 SCI indexed papers with a maximum of 60 citations for a single paper and a total of more than 1000 citations.
Selected Publications:
Journal Papers:
Lin Wang, Liang-ming Pan*, Junfeng Wang, Deqi Chen, Yanping Huang*, Lian Hu. Investigation on the temperature sensitivity of the S-CO2 Brayton cycle efficiency [J]. Energy, 2019 (178): 739-750.
Hong-bo Liu*, Qian Hu, Liang-ming Pan*, Rui Wu, Yang Liu, Dinghan Zhong. Electrode-normal magnetic field facilitating neighbouring electrochemical bubble release from hydrophobic islets [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2019 (306): 350-359.
Ting-pu Ye, Liang-ming Pan*, Quan-yao Ren, Wen-xiong Zhou, TaoZhong. Experimental study on distribution parameter characteristics in vertical rod bundles [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019 (132): 593-605.
Yang Liu, Liang-ming Pan*, Hongbo Liu, Tianming Chen, Siyou Yin, Mengmeng Liu. Effects of magnetic field on water electrolysis using foam electrodes [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019 (44): 1352-1358.
Hong-bo Liu, Liang-ming Pan*, Qi-jun Qin, Peng-fei Li. Experimental and numerical investigation of gas-liquid flow in water electrolysis under magnetic field [J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019 (832): 293-302.
Muhao Zhang, Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Xiaohong Yang, Mamoru Ishii. Experimental study of vertical co-current slug flow in terms of flow regime transition in relatively small diameter tubes [J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019 (108): 140-155.
Hang Liu, Liang-ming Pan*, Takashi Hibiki, Wen-xiong Zhou, Quan-yao Ren, Song-song Li. Axial development of gas-liquid flow regime maps in a vertical 5×5 rod bundle with prototypic spacer grids [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018 (339): 1-10.
Quan-yao Ren, Liang-ming Pan*, Wen-xiong Zhou, Hang Liu, Ting-pu Ye, Drift-flux model of sub-channel in vertical rod bundles with spacer grids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (126): 946-956.
Quan-Yao Ren, Liang-Ming Pan*, Wen-Xiong Zhou, Hang Liu, Ting-Pu Ye, Bin Yu, Zhong-Chun Li. Measurement of subchannel void fraction in 5×5 rod bundles using an impedance void meter [J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2018 (29): 104004.
Hui He, Liang-Ming Pan*, Hao-jie Huang, Run-gang Yan. Rupture of thin liquid film based premature critical heat flux prediction in microchannel [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (125): 933-942.
Quan-Yao Ren, Liang-Ming Pan*, Wen-Xiong Zhou, Si-jia Du, Zhong-Chun Li. Phase distribution characteristics of bubbly flow in 5×5 vertical rod bundles with mixing vane spacer grids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (96): 451-459.
Haojie Huang, Liang-Ming Pan*, Run-gang Yan. Flow characteristics and instability analysis of pressure drop in parallel multiple microchannels [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018 (142): 184-193.
Quan-Yao Ren, Wen-Xiong Zhou*, Si-jia Du, Zhong-Chun Li, Liang-Ming Pan*. Sub-channel flow regime maps in vertical rod bundles with spacer grids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (122): 1138-1152.
Liang-Ming Pan*, Run-gang Yan, Hao-jie Huang, Hui He, Peng-fei Li. Experimental study on the flow boiling pressure drop characteristics in parallel multiple microchannels [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018 (116): 642-654.
Liu, Hang; Pan, Liang-ming*; Hibiki, Takashi; Zhou, Wen-xiong; Ren, Quan-yao; Li, Song-song (2018), One-dimensional interfacial area transport for bubbly two-phase flow in vertical 5×5 rod bundle, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 72:257-273
Quan-yao Ren, Liang-ming Pan*, Wen-xiong Zhou, Si-jia Du, Zhong-chun Li (2018), Phase distribution characteristics of bubbly flow in 5×5 vertical rod bundles with mixing vane spacer grids, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 96:451-459
Huang, H., Dhir, V.K. & Pan, L., Liquid film thickness measurement underneath a gas slug with miniaturized sensor matrix in a microchannel, Microfluid Nanofluid (2017) 21: 159.
Muhao Zhang, Liang-ming Pan*, Peng Ju, Xiaohong Yang, Mamoru Ishii, The mechanism of bubbly to slug flow regime transition in air-water two phase flow: A new transition criterion, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108 (2017) 1579–1590
Lie Wei, Liang-Ming Pan*, Yan-Ming Zhao, Quan-Yao Ren, Wen-Zhi Zhang, Numerical study of adiabatic two-phase flow patterns in vertical rectangular narrow channels, Applied Thermal Engineering 110 (2017) 1101–1110
Hui He, Peng-fei Li, Run-gang Yan, Liang-ming Pan*, (2016) Modeling of reversal flow and pressure fluctuation in rectangular microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 102 (2016) 1024–1033
Pan, Liang-Ming; Zhang, Muhao; Ju, Peng; He, Hui; Ishii, Mamoru, (2016), Vertical co-current two-phase flow regime identification using fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and ReliefF attribute weighting technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 95:393-404
Hongbo Liu, Liang-Ming Pan*, Jian Wen, (2016), Numerical simulation of hydrogen bubble growth at an electrode surface. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94(1):192-199,
Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Peng Ju, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii.(2015). Experimental Study and Modeling of Disturbance Wave Height of Vertical Annular Flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 89:165–175.
Liangming Pan*; Hui He; Peng Ju; Takashi Hibiki; Mamoru Ishii. (2015). The influences of gas-liquid interfacial properties on interfacial shear stress for vertical annular flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 89:1172–1183.
Pan, Liang-Ming*; Zhang, Muhao; Ju, Peng; He, Hui; Ishii, Mamoru. (2016). Vertical co-current two-phase flow regime identification using fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and ReliefF attribute weighting technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 95:393-404.
Hongbo Liu, Liangming Pan*, Haojie Huang, Qijun Qin, Pengfei Li, Jian Wen, (2015), Hydrogen bubble growth at micro-electrode under magnetic field, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 754: 22–29.
Hongbo Liu, Liang-Ming Pan*, Jian Wen.(2016). Numerical simulation of hydrogen bubble growth at an electrode surface. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94(1):192-199.
Hui He, Liangming Pan*, Yao Wu, Deqi Chen. (2015). An Analytic Model of Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux on an Immerged Downward Facing Curved Surface, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 289:73–80.
Jia-jia Deng, Liang-ming Pan*, Deqi Chen, Yu-quan Dong, Cheng-mu Wang, Hang Liu, Mei-qiang Kang. (2014). Numerical Simulation and Field Test Study of Desulfurization Wastewater Evaporation Treatment through Flue Gas, Water Science and Technology, 70(7): 1285-1291.
Yan Yang, Liang-ming Pan*, Jian-jun Xu.(2014). Effects of microgravity on Marangoni convection and growth characteristic of a single bubble, ActaAstronautica, 100: 129–139.
Liang-ming Pan*, Zhi-wei Tan, De-qi Chen, Long-changXue.(2012). Numerical investigation of vapor bubble condensation characteristics of subcooled flow boiling in vertical rectangular channel. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 248:126–136.
De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan*, Song Ren. (2012). Prediction of Bubble Detachment Diameter in Flow Boiling Based on Force Analysis, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 243 263–271.
De-wen Yuan, Liang-ming Pan *, De-qi Chen, et al. (2011). Bubble Behavior of High Subcooling Flow Boiling at Different System Pressure in Vertical Narrow Channel, Applied Thermal Engineering, 31(16): 3512-3520.
Jing-hua Wei, Liang-ming Pan*, De-qi Chen, et al. (2011).Numerical simulation of bubble behaviors in subcooled flow boiling under swing motion, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 241:2898– 2908.
De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan *, De-wen Yuan, et al. (2011). The nature of bubble growth under different system pressures in a narrow channel. Nuclear Engineering & Design, 241(3): 785–791.
De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan*, De-wen Yuan, Xiao-jun Wang. (2010). Dual Model of Bubble Growth in Vertical Rectangular Narrow Channel, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(8):1004-1007.
Pan, L. M.*, H. C. Ji, et al. (2009). "An experimental investigation for cold-state flow field of regenerative heating annular furnace." Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(16): 3426-3430.
Pan, L. M.*, J. W. Deng, et al. (2009). "Numerical simulation of a thermal-bubble actuated diffuser-nozzle valveless pump." Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 52(10): 2967-2972.
Liang-Ming Pan, Tien-Chien Jen, Chuan He et al. (2006). “Heat Transfer and Bubble Movement of Two-Side and One-Side Heating Subcooled Flow Boiling in Vertical Narrow Channels”. Journal of Heat Transfer- Transactions of the ASME, 128(8):838-842.
Tien-Chien Jen, Liangming Pan, Longjian Li, et al. (2006). “The acceleration of charged nano-particles in gas stream of supersonic de-Laval-type nozzle coupled with static electric field”. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(5-6):613-621.