Name |
Chunmei Wu |

Department |
Thermal physics |
Title |
Professor |
Contact Information | |
Dr. Chunmei Wu received her Ph.D. degree in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics at Chongqing University in 2013 and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Toronto in 2013-2015. She joined the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University in 2015.
Education Background:
2020-Present Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University
2015-2020 Associate professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University
2003-2015 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Toronto,Canda
2003-2015 Lecture, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University
2009-2013 Joint-training Ph.D., Department of Mechanical & Industry Engineering, University of Toronto, together with College of Power Engineering, Chongqing University
2004-2008 Bachelor of Engineering, College of Power Engineering, Chongqing University
Research Interests:
● Interfacial energy and Mass transfer
● Theory and application of nonequilibrium thermodynamics
● Flow stability and instability
● Ddsorption/desorption
● Energy saving technology and thermal mangement
● Energy storage
Research Grants:
National Science Foundation of China
National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China
Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing
Venture & Innovation Support Program for Chongqing Overseas Returnees
Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project
Selected Publications:
Journal Papers:
[1] Wu CM, Wei X., Li YR, Investigation on the mechanisms of cluster formation and transition from adsorption to condensation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 171:121096
[2] Wei X., Wu CM, Li YR, Molecular insight into the formation of adsorption clusters based on the zeta isotherm, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 10123-10131
[3] Wu CM, Chen J.H., Li YR, Mixed oscillation flow of binary fluid with minus one capillary ratio in the czochralski crystal growth model, Crystals, 2020(3), 213.
[4] Wu CM, Chen J.H., Yuan B., Li YR, Bifurcations and pattern evolutions of thermo-solutocapillary flow in rotating cylinder with a top disk, Physics of Fluids, 31:094103, 2019.
[5] Chen JC, Wu CM, Li YR, Yu JJ, Capillary ratio dependence of thermal-solutal capillary convection in a shallow annular pool with radial temperature and concentration gradients, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 139:15-24, 2019.
[6] Wu CM, Luo J.Q., Yu J.J., Li Y. R., Thermocapillary convection of a binary mixture with the Soret effect in a shallow annular pool heated from below, Fluid Dynamics Research, 51: 065501, 2019
[7] Wu CM, Yuan B, Li YR, Flow Instabilities of Coupled Rotation and Thermal-Solutal Capillary Convection of Binary Mixture in Czochralski Configuration, Crystals, 9:72, 2019.
[8] Shen T, Wu CM, Li YR, Numerical simulation on effect of rotation on thermal convection in a shallow model czochralski configuration with a heated bottom, Crystal Research and Technology, 52(9):1700268, 2018.
[9] Zhang L, Luo JQ, Wu CM, Yu JJ, Li YR, Thermocapillary convection in a binary mixture with moderate Prandtl number in a shallow annular pool, Microgravity Science and Technology, 30(1-2):33-42, 2018.
[10] Ye S, Wu CM, Zhang L, Li YR, Liu QS, Evolution of thermal patterns during steady state evaporation of sessile droplets, Experiemtnal Thermal and Fluid Science, 98: 712-718, 2018.
[11] Chen JC, Wu CM, Li YR, Yu JJ, Effect of capillary ratio on thermal-solutal capillary-buoyancy convection in a shallow annular pool with radial temperature and concentration gradients, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 109: 367-377, 2017.
[12] Yu JJ, Wu CM, Li YR, Chen JC, Thermal-solutal capillary-buoyancy flow of a low Prandtl number binary mixture with a -1 capillary ratio in an annular pool, Physics of Fluids, 28(8):084102, 2016.
[13] Shen T, Wu CM, Zhang L, Li YR, Experimental investigation on effects of crystal and crucible rotation on thermal convection in a model Czochralski configuration. Journal of Crystal Growth, 438:55-62, 2016.
[14] Shen T, Wu CM, Li, Li YR, Experimental investigation on the effect of crystal and crucible rotation on thermocapillary convection in a Czochralski configuration, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 104:20-28, 2016.
[15] Wu CM, Zandavi SH, Ward CA, Prediction of the wetting condition from the Zeta adsorption isotherm, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(46):25564-72, 2014.
[16] Wu CM, Liao RJ, Rotating and thermocapillary-buoyancy-driven flow in a cylindrical enclosure with a partly free surface, Physics of Fluids, 26:104105, 2014.
[17] Wu CM, Ran DF, Liao RJ, Flow pattern transition driven by the combined Marangoni effect and rotation of crucible and crystal in a Czochralski configuration, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 86:394-407, 2014.