[English version]
Name |
Wan-Yuan Shi |

Department |
School of Energy and Power Engineering |
Title |
Contact Information |
shiwy@126.com |
He received the B.S. degree in 1995, the M.S. degree in 1998 from Chongqing University, and the Ph.D degree in 2006 from Kyushu University. He did postdoctoral research at Hokkaido University in 2006-2008 and Tohoku University in 2010-2011. He taught Heat Transfer for undergraduate students and Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics for graduate students.
Research Interests:
1. Liquid-gas phase change and heat transfer enhancement technology
2. Theory and application of fluid interface transportation
3. Theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and application
Publications (Selected):
[1] J-L Zhu, W-Y Shi. Hydrothermal waves in sessile droplets evaporating at a constant contact angle mode. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2021, 172:121131.
[2] T-S Wang, W-Y Shi. Marangoni convection instability in an evaporating droplet deposited on volatile liquid layer. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2021, 171: 121055.
[3] B. Xu, W-Y Shi, W. Sun, L-M Pan, Y-Q Dong. Investigation on synergistic effect of CuCl2 and FeCl3 impregnated into fly ash on mercury removal by experiment and density functional theory. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 565: 150484.
[4] J-L Zhu, W-Y Shi. Spontaneous thermocapillary motion of condensation droplets. Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116: 243703.
[5] L Feng, W-Y Shi. Effect of droplet deformation on determination of thermal conductivity in modulated laser calorimetry. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2020, 163: 120501.
[6] T-S Wang, W-Y Shi. Transition of Marangoni convection instability patterns during evaporation of sessile droplet at constant contact line mode. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2020, 148: 119138.
[7] N. Imaishi, M.K. Ermakov, W.Y. Shi. Effects of Pr and pool curvature on thermocapillary flow instabilities in annular pool. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2020, 148: 119103.
[8] T-S Wang, W-Y Shi. Marangoni instability induced by evaporation in well-defined non-spherical sessile droplet. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 141: 168-179.
[9] L Feng, W-Y Shi, E Shoji, M Kubo, T Tsukada. Effects of vertical, horizontal and rotational magnetic fields on convection in an electromagnetically levitated droplet. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 130: 787-796.
[10]J-L Zhu, W-Y Shi. Longitudinal roll patterns of Marangoni instability in an easily volatile sessile droplet evaporating at constant contact angle mode. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 1283-1291.
[11]J-L Zhu, W-Y Shi, L Feng. Bénard-Marangoni instability in sessile droplet evaporating at constant contact angle mode on heated substrate. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 784-795.
[12]T-S Wang, W-Y Shi. Influence of substrate temperature on Marangoni convection instabilities in a sessile droplet evaporating at constant contact line mode. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 131: 1270-1278.
[13]L. Feng, W-Y Shi. Numerical investigation on frequency shift of an electromagnetically levitated molten droplet. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2018, 122: 69-77.
[14]H-M Li, W-Y Shi, M K Ermakov. Thermocapillary flow instabilities of medium Prandtl number liquid in rotating annular pools. Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 2017, 120: 233-243.
[15]H-M Li, W-Y Shi. Thermocapillary convection in a differentially heated two-layer annular system with and without rotation. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 105: 684-689.
[16]W-Y Shi, K-Y Tang, J-N Ma, H-M Li, L Feng. Marangoni convection instability in a sessile droplet with low volatility on heated substrate. Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 2017, 117: 274-286.
[17]W-Y Shi, S-M Rong, L Feng. Marangoni convection instabilities induced by evaporation of liquid layer in an open rectangular pool. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2017, 29:91-96.
[18]L Feng, W-Y Shi. The influence of Marangoni effect on flow and deformation of an electromagnetically levitated molten droplet under static magnetic fields. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2016, 101: 629-636.
[19]X-H Tian, W-Y Shi, T Tang, L Feng. Influence of vertical static magnetic field on behavior of rising single bubble in a conductive fluid. ISIJ International, 2016, 56: 195-204.
[20]L Feng, W-Y Shi. Influence of coil angle arrangement on dynamic deformation and stability of molten droplet in electromagnetic levitation system. ISIJ International, 2016, 56: 50-56.
[21]L Feng, W-Y Shi. The influence of eddy effect of coils on flow and temperature fields of molten droplet in electromagnetic levitation device. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2015, 46: 1895-1901.
[22]W-Y Shi, Y-R Li, M K Ermakov, N Imaishi. Stability of thermocapillary convection in rotating shallow annular pool of silicon melt. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2010, 22: 315-320.
[23]W-Y Shi, G-Y Li, X Liu, Y-R Li, L Peng, N Imaishi. Thermocapillary convection and buoyant-thermocapillary convection in the annular pools of silicon melt and silicone oil. J. Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2010, 23: 1169-1172.
[24]W-Y Shi, X Liu, G- Y Li, Y-R Li, L Peng, M K Ermakov, N Imaishi. Thermocapillary convection instability in shallow annular pools by linear stability analysis. J. Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2010, 23: 1185-1188.
[25]W-Y Shi, M K Ermakov, Y-R Li, L Peng, N Imaishi. Influence of buoyancy force on thermocapillary convection instability in the differentially heated annular pools of silicon melt. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2009, 21: S289–S297.
[26]W-Y Shi, E Kurihara, N Oshima. Effect of capillary pressure on liquid water removal in a cathode gas diffusion layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cell. J. Power Sources, 2008, 182:112-118.
[27]W-Y Shi, N Imaishi. Thermocapillary convection in a shallow annular pool heated from inner wall. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2007, XIX: 104-105.
[28]W-Y Shi, N Imaishi. Hydrothermal waves in rotating annular pools of silicon melt. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2007, XIX: 159-160.
[29]W-Y Shi, N Imaishi. Experimental investigation on hydrothermal wave in a shallow annular pool. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2007, XIX: 161-162.
[30]W-Y Shi, M K Ermarkov, N Imaishi. Effect of pool rotation on thermocapillary convection in shallow annular pool of silicone oil. J. Crystal Growth, 2006, 294: 474-485.
[31]W-Y Shi, N Imaishi. Hydrothermal waves in differentially heated shallow annular pools of silicone oil, J. Crystal Growth, 2006, 290: 280-291.