Name |
Yang Yang |

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Associate Professor |
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I received his PhD degree (2017) in Engineering Thermophysics from Chongqing University, China. Now I’m an associate professor at Chongqing University. As a project leader, I have undertaken 1 research projects supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China and 2 research projects supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province. Besides, I’m the communication evaluation expert of National Natural Science Fundation of China, reviewer of national and international journals "Journal of Material Chemistry A", "Chemical Engineering Journal", "Journal of Power Sources", "Electrochimica Acta", "International Journal of Hydrogen Energy", "International Journal of Energy Research" etc.
My research mainly focuses on key issues about thermal physics in Power MEMS and transport phenomena, microscale transmission theory and micro energy system, new energy technology and new energy power equipment system.
Education Background:
Sep, 2020 – Present: Chongqing University, Associate Professor
Jan, 2020 – July, 2020: Northwestern Polytechnical University, Associate Professor
Feb, 2017 – Dec, 2019: Northwestern Polytechnical University, Assistant Professor
Sep, 2011 – Dec, 2016: Chongqing University, Ph.D. Degree, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
Sep, 2007 – Jun, 2011: Chongqing University, Bachelor Degree, Thermal and Power Engineering
Research Interests:
Power MEMS; Microfluidic; Key Mass Transfer Issues in Flexible Electronics
Research Grants:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51706184), Shenzhen Research Plan (Grant No. JCYJ20180306171637410), the State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing in NPU (Grant No. SKLSP201915), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 3102019JC002, 31020190503001)
Selected Publications:
Journal Papers:
Year 2021
(36) Tong Zhang, Chuhe Yu, Xun Zhu*, Dingding Ye, Yang, Y* Rong Chen, Qiang Liao. A Sequence-Flow Microfluidic Fuel Cell with High-Concentration Formate Tolerant Cathode. 2020, International Conference on Applied Energy (11.29-12.2), Bangkok, Thailand, Conference Paper; A类会议论文 (后转投Applied Energy)
(35) Haonan Li, Rong Chen*, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Dingding Ye, Yang, Y Wei Li; Dongliang Li, Yijing Yang. Droplet Evaporation on a Full-Spectrum-Responsive Hydrophobic Photothermal Conversion Substrate. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, DOI:10.1021/acs.iecr.1c00355;
(34) Tong Zhang, Chuhe Yu, Xun Zhu*, Dingding Ye, Yang, Y* Rong Chen, Qiang Liao. Reduction of Formate Crossover in Sequential-flow Microfluidic Fuel Cells. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 1526-1531;
(33) Wei Li, Rong Chen*, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Dingding Ye, Yang, Y Photothermally Caused Propylene Glycol-Water Binary Droplet Evaporation on a Hydrophobic Surface. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c05873;
(32) Yijing Yang, Zhibin Wang, Rong Chen*, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Dingding Ye, Yang, Y Wei Li. Droplet Migration and Coalescence in Microchannel Induced by Photothermal Effect of a Focused Infrared Laser. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 1912-1925;
(31) Zhenfei Liu, Dingding Ye*, Xun Zhu*, Shaolong Wang, Rong Chen, Yang, Y Qiang Liao. A Self-Pumping Microfluidic Fuel Cell Powered by Formate with Pd Coated Carbon Cloth Electrodes. Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 490, 229553;
(30) Haoran Zhang, Biao Zhang, Yang, Y* Dingding Ye, Rong Chen, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu*. High Power Density of Paper-Based Zinc-Air Battery with Hollow Channel Structure. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 1258-1261; (中科院1区, IF 5.99); Nature Index
Year 2020
(29) Yang, Y*, Wenji Ma, Tong Zhang, Dingding Ye, Rong Chen, Xun Zhu. Pore Engineering of Graphene Aerogels for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 14984-14987 (中科院 1区, IF 5.99) Back cover; Nature Index
(28) Kai Tao, Haiping Yi, Yang, Y Lihua Tang, Zhaoshu Yang, Jin Wu, Honglong Chang, Weizheng Yuan. Muria-Origami Inspired Electret/Triboelectric Power Generator for Wearable Energy Harvesting with Water-Proof Capability. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2020, 6, 56. (中科院 1区, IF 5.1) Nature Publishing Group
(27) Heng Zhang, Ding Li, Yang, Y*, Honglong Chang*, Giuseppina Simone*, On-resonance islands of Ag-nanowires sense the level of glycated hemoglobin for diabetes diagnosis, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2020, 321, 128451; (中科院 1区, IF 6.4)
(26) Yang, Y Heng Zhang, Zhe Wang, Xuepeng Li, Abdalla Abdelsamie Abdelrahim Abdelsamie, Xichen Yuan*, Xiaomeng Fan, Ruirong Zhang, Honglong Chang*, Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in Living Cancer Cells Using Monolithic Metallic Foam Electrodes, ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7, 2485-2492; (中科院 2区)
(25) Tao, K., Yi, H.P., Yang, Y Chang H.L., Wu J., Tang L.H., Yang Z.S., Wang, N., Hu, L.X., Fu, Y.Q., Miao, J.M., Yuan, W.Z., Origami-inspired electret-based triboelectric generator for biomechanical and ocean wave energy harvesting, Nano Energy, 2020, 67, 104197 (中科院 1区, IF 13.1)
(24) Li, D., Chen, H.Y., Ren, S., Zhang, Y.F., Yang,Y Chang H.L., Portable liquid chromatography for point-of-care testing of glycated haemoglobin, Sensors and Acuators B-Chemical, 2020, 305, 127484; (中科院 1区, IF 6.4)
(22) Yang, Y Ruizhe Dong, Yunlong Zhu, Heng Zhang, Xiaomeng Fan, Honglong Chang(*), High-Performance Direct Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel Cells (DHPFCs) with Silver Nanowire-Graphene Hybrid Aerogel as Highly-Conductive Mesoporous Electrodes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 381, 122749; (中科院1区,IF 10.7)
Year 2019
(23) Zhang, R.R., Xu, Y.M., Harrison, D., Fyson, J., Yang, Y High-performance fibre supercapacitors based on ball-milled activated carbon nanoparticles mixed with pen ink, J. Mater. Sci., 2019, 30, 20881-20891; (中科院2区,IF 3.4)
(21) Yang, Y Xue Y.S., Zhang H., Chang H.L.,Flexible H2O2 microfluidic fuel cell using graphene/Prussian blue catalyst for high performance, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 369, 813-817; (中科院 1区,IF 10.7)
(20) Yang, Y Zhang H., Wang J.X., Yang S.Y., Liu. T. Y., Tao, K., Chang H.L., A silver nanowire aerogel promotes hydrogen peroxide reduction for fuel cells and electrochemical sensors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019, 7, 11497-11505; (中科院 1区,IF 10.73)
(19) Yang, Y Wang J.X., Zhu Y.L., Lan L.H., Zhang H., Liu C.M., Tao, K., Li J., N-doped Fe3C/C nanoparticles encapsulated in N-doped graphene aerogel: an advanced oxygen reduction reaction catalyst for fiber-shaped fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44, 18393-18402;(中科院 2区,JCR 1区,IF 4.23)
Year 2018
(18) Yang, Y Ye D.D., Zhu X., Liao Q., Li J., Chen R., Boosting power density of microfluidic biofuel cell with porous three-dimensional graphene@nickel foam as flow-through anode, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018,43,18516-18520(中科院 2区,JCR 1区,IF 4.23)
(17) Yang, Y Xue Y.S., Huang F., Zhang H., Tao K., Zhang R., Shen Q., Chang H.L., A facile microfluidic hydrogen peroxide fuel cell operated under acidic conditions: reaction mechanism and power-generation properties, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, 1, 5328-5335 (IF 4.47)
(16) Yang, Y Liu T.Y., Wang H.Y., Zhu X., Ye D.D., Liao Q., Liu K., Chen S.W., Li Y., Reduced graphene oxide modified activated carbon for improving power generation of air-cathode microbial fuel cells, Journal of Materials Research, 2018, 33,1279-1287;
(15) Yang, Y Chang H.L., Multi-scale porous graphene/activated carbon aerogel enables lightweight carbonaceous catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, Journal of Materials Research, 2018, 33,1247-1257 ;
(14) Yang, Y Liu T.Y., Chang H.L., Generating electricity on chips: microfluidic biofuel cells in perspective, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57, 2746-2758; Front Cover (中科院 2区,IF 3.1)
(13) Kou.T.Y#., Yang, Y# Yao. B., Li. Y., Interpenetrated Bacteria-Carbon Nanotubes Film for Microbial Fuel Cell, Small Methods, 2018, 3, 1800152; (中科院 1区,IF 12.1)
(12) Zhang H., Yang, Y* Liu T.Y., Chang H.L* Boost the power-generation performance of micro-sized Al-H2O2 fuel cells using silver nanowires as the cathode, Energies, 2018,11, 2316;
(11) Fu Q., Xiao S., Li Z., Li Y.B., Hajime K., Li J., Yang, Y et al., Hybrid solar-to-methane conversion system with a Faradaic efficiency of up to 96%, Nano Energy, 2018, 53, 232-239; (中科院 1区,IF 13.1)
(10) Liu C.M., Zhu X., Liao Q., Yang, Y Investigating the Composition of Irons Salts on the Performance of Microfluidic Fuel Cells, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57: 1756-1762; (中科院2区,IF 3.1)
(9) Chen G.Q., Ye D.D., Li J., Fu Q., Zhang L., Zhu X., Yang, Y Performance of carbon dioxide electrochemical reduction with carbon felt loaded Sn gas diffusion electrode., CIESC Journal, 2017, 68 (S1): 225-231; (EI)
Before 2017
(8) Yang, Y Tianyu Liu, Qiang Liao, Dingding Ye*, Xun Zhu, Jun Li, Pengqing Zhang, Yi Peng, Shaowei Chen, Yat Li* A three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene aerogel-activated carbon composite catalyst that enables low-cost microfluidic microbial fuel cells with superior performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4: 15913~15919; (中科院 1区,IF 10.73)
(7) Yang, Y Tianyu Liu, Xun Zhu*,Feng Zhang,Dingding Ye,Qiang Liao,Yat Li*,Boosting Power Density of Microbial Fuel Cells with 3D Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Aerogel Electrode.,Advanced Science,2016,3:1600097; (中科院 1区,IF 13.6)
(6) Yang, Y Dingding Ye*,Qiang Liao*,Pengqing Zhang,Xun Zhu,Jun Li,Qian Fu,Enhanced biofilm distribution and cell performance of microfluidic microbial fuel cells with multiple anolyte inlets,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2016,79:406~410;(中科院 1区,IF 10.6)
(5) Yang, Y# Dingding Ye#,Jun Li,Xun Zhu*,Qiang Liao,Biao Zhang,Microfluidic microbial fuel cells: from membrane to membrane free,Journal of Power Sources,2016,324:113~125;(中科院 1区,IF 7.5)
(4) Yang, Y Dingding Ye*,Jun Li,Xun Zhu,Qiang Liao,Biao Zhang,Biofilm distribution and performance of microfluidic microbial fuel cells with different microchannel geometries,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2015, 40:11983~11988;(中科院 2区,JCR 1区,IF 4.23)
(3) Dingding Ye,Yang, Y Jun Li,Xun Zhu*,Qiang Liao,Bowen Deng,Rong Chen,Performance of a microfluidic microbial fuel cell based on graphite electrodes,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2013,38:15710-15715; (中科院 2区,JCR 1区,IF 4.23)
(2) Dingding Ye,Yang, Y Jun Li,Xun Zhu*,Qiang Liao,Biao Zhang,A laminar flow microfluidic fuel cell for detection of hexavalent chromium concentration. Biomicrofluidics,2015, 9:064110;
(1) Dingding Ye, Biao Zhang, Yang, Y Jin Zhou, Jun Li, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Performance Characteristics of an air-breathing microfluidic fuel cell with a flow-through anode., Journal of Engineering Thermophysics (工程热物理学报), 2012, 33:493-496;(EI)