Name |
Sun Wan |
Gender |
Male |

Department |
Thermal Energy and Power Engineering |
Title |
Associate Professor |
Position |
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Tel. |
E-mail | |
Personal Profile:
Male, doctor of engineering, associate professor, doctoral tutor, master tutor, member of Jiusan Society, youth committee member of China Aeronautical Society Icing and Deicing Branch. My current research interests include Cryogenic Refrigeration Technology, Transonic Cryogenic Two-Phase Flow, thermodynamics of Cryogenic Wind Tunnel, and Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow of Reactor. As the first author and corresponding author, he has published more than 20 papers in well-known international and domestic SCI/EI journals such as Applied Thermal Engineering, Carbon, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Cryogenics, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Journal of Aerodynamics, and Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 7 international/domestic high-level conferences in this major. Presided over 1 general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 youth project of the National Natural Science Foundation, 1 sub-project of National Key R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 3 military industry projects and 4 enterprise projects.
Educational and Work Experience:
2019/09- Chongqing University School Energy and Power Engineering Associate Professor
2016/09-2019/08 Chongqing University School Energy and Power Engineering Lecturer
2010/09-2016/07 Xi’an Jiaotong University School Energy and Power Engineering Ph.D degree
2013/10-2014/04 The Ohio State University School of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Joint Traning
2006/08-2010/07 Xi’an Jiaotong University School Energy and Power Engineering Bachelor;s degree
Research Topics:
1. Cryogenic Refrigeration Technology
2. Transonic Cryogenic Two-Phase Flow
3. Thermodynamics of Cryogenic Wind Tunnel
4. Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow of Reactor
Research Projects:
1. General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Coupling mechanism and effects on Reynolds number test of impurity gases phase transition in cryogenic transonic wind tunnel, 2022/01-2025/12, ¥580,000.
2. Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on micro-scale nucleation mechanism and subcooled condensation characteristics of cryogenic nitrogen transonic expansion, 2018/01-2020/12, ¥250,000.
3. General project of Chongqing Natural Science Foundation, Study on the Microscopic Mechanism and Two-Phase Flow Characteristics of Spontaneous Condensation of Multicomponent Gases in Supersonic Expansion, 2019/07-2022/06, ¥100, 000.
4. National Key R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology (sub-project), Experimental study on the influence of rod bending on the characteristics of two-phase flow in sub-channels of rod bundles, 2019/04-2023/03, ¥338,000.
Published Papers:
[1] Xiang Li, Lingyuan Gao, Caihong Xu, Ting Wang, Wan Sun*, Wen Zhu, Luteng Zhang, Zaiyong Ma, Longxiang Zhu, Liangming Pan. Research on Countercurrent Flow limitation in Reactor Hot Leg at the Loss of Coolant Accident Thermohydraulic Calculation With System Code RELAP5. Front. Energy Res., 2022, 10: 891105.
[2] 李想, 孙皖*, 丁书华, 黄涛, 李仲春, 潘良明. 基于RELAP5的LOCA事故喷放阶段下降段内CCFL特性研究. 核动力工程, 2022. (网络首发)
[3] Jie Wan, Wan Sun*, Jian Deng, Liang-ming Pan, Shu-hua Ding. Experimental study on air-water countercurrent flow limitation in a vertical tube based on measurement of film thickness behavior. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2021, 53(6): 1821-1833.
[4] Wan Sun*, Tao Xu, Yu Hou, Zaiyong Ma, Luteng Zhang. Numerical investigation of nitrogen condensation flow over airfoil in cryogenic wind tunnel. Cryogenics, 2020, 11: 103165.
[5] 孙皖*,徐涛,刘秀芳,侯予. 凝结相变对低温风洞雷诺数试验的影响. 航空动力学报, 2020, 35(9): 1893-1899.
[6] Wan Sun*, Shuangtao Chen, Yu Hou, Shanshan Bu, Zaiyong Ma, Luteng Zhang. Numerical investigation of cryogenic gas spontaneous condensation in Laval nozzles. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 121: 103118.
[7] Wan Sun*, Shuangtao Chen, Yu Hou, Shanshan Bu, Zaiyong Ma, Luteng Zhang, Liangming Pan. Numerical studies on two-phase flow in cryogenic radial-inflow turbo-expander using varying condensation models. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 156: 168-177.
[8] Wan Sun*, S-T Chen, Y Hou, S-S Bu, Z-Y Ma, L-M Pan. Numerical Studies on the off-design performance of a cryogenic two-phase turbo-expander. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 140: 34-42.
[9] Yang Geng, Kezhen Zhang, Ke Yang, Peijin Ying, Lijun Hu, Jun Ding, Junmin XUe, Wan Sun**, Kuan Sun***, Meng Li*. Constructing hierarchical carbon framework and quantifying water transfer for novel solar evaporation configuration. Carbon, 2019, 155: 25-33.
[10] Wan Sun*, Shuangtao Chen, Yu Hou, Shanshan Bu, Zaiyong Ma, Liangming Pan. Numerical studies on the off-design performance of a cryogenic two-phase turbo-expander. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 140: 34-42.
[11] 孙皖*, 牛璐, 步珊珊, 马在勇, 潘良明, 侯予. 低温透平膨胀机内非平衡自发凝结两相流动的数值研究. 西安交通大学学报, 2018, 52(2).
[12] Shuangtao Chen*, Wan Sun, Lu Niu, Liang Chen, Yu Hou. Effect of impeller blade profile on the cryogenic two-phase turbo-expander performance. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 126: 884-891.
[13] Wan Sun, Lu Niu, Liang Chen, Shuangtao Chen, Xingqun Zhang, Yu Hou*. Numerical study of spontaneous condensation flow in an air cryogenic turbo-expander using equilibrium and non-equilibrium models. Cryogenics 2016,73: 42-52.
[14] Wan Sun, Shuangtao Chen, Lu Niu, Yu Hou*. Wetness loss prediction for a wet type cryogenic turbo-expander based on 3-D numerical simulation. Applied Thermal Engineering 2015; 91: 1032-1039.
[15]. Wan Sun, Lu Niu, Shuangtao Chen, Xiaodong Sun, Yu Hou*. Numerical investigation of nitrogen spontaneous condensation flow in cryogenic nozzles using varying nucleation theories. Cryogenics 2015, 68: 19-29.
[16] Lu Niu, Yu Hou*, Wan Sun, Shuangtao Chen. The measurement of thermodynamic performance in cryogenic two-phase turbo-expander. Cryogenics 2015, 70:76-84.
[17] 孙皖, 牛璐, 赖天伟, 刘立强, 侯予*. 氮气在缩放喷管中非平衡自发凝结的数值研究. 西安交通大学学报 2015, 49(4): 130-148.
[18] 孙皖, 马斌, 牛璐, 侯予*. 低温透平膨胀机内平衡凝结两相流动数值模拟. 西安交通大学学报 2013, 47(7): 36-39.
Academic conference:
[1] 高磊, 孙皖, 周文雄, 张卢腾, 马在勇, 潘良明. 棒弯曲对棒束通道内两相特性标定实验研究. 中国核学会核反应堆热工流体学分会第一届学术年会, 2021.10.13-16; 重庆, 中国.
[2] 李想, 孙皖, 丁书华, 黄涛, 李仲春, 潘良明. 基于RELAP5的反应堆上支撑板结构CCFL模拟计算. 中国核学会核反应堆热工流体学分会第一届学术年会, 2021.10.13-16; 重庆, 中国.
[3] 万洁, 孙皖, 潘良明. 液泛中液膜变化特性实验研究. 中国核学会核反应堆热工流体学分会第一届学术年会, 2021.10.13-16; 重庆, 中国.
[4] Wan Sun, Zaiyong Ma, Shanshan Bu, et al. A molecular dynamics study of cryogenic gas nucleation at high supersaturation. The 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration; August 24-30, 2019; Montreal, Canada. (Oral Presentation)
[5] 孙皖. 氦透平膨胀机数值模拟研究. 第二届氦低温工程青年论坛. 2019.06.30- 07.02; 西安, 中国(会场报告)
[6] 孙皖. 低温两相透平膨胀机内凝结流动分析与变工况性能研究. 2018氦低温工程青年论坛, 合肥, 2018.10.28-10.30.
[7] 孙皖, 陈双涛, 步珊珊, 马在勇, 潘良明, 侯予. 基于CFD的径-轴流式透平膨胀机工作轮叶片设计改进方法. 第十三届全国低温工程大会, 东莞, 2017.11.1~11.4.
[1] 孙皖,高磊,潘良明,周文雄,周文雄,朱隆祥,马在勇,张卢腾. 一种用于核反应堆异型棒束通道的两相流测量系统. 专利号:202210188046.5. (实质审查)
[2] 孙皖,侯予,陈双涛,步珊珊,潘良明. 一种环形喷嘴直线-弧线叶片型线设计方法. 专利号: 201710889452.3, 公开号:CN107862104A, 公开日:2020/08/25.
[3] 侯予,牛璐,孙皖,刘秀芳,赖天伟.一种测量气-液两相流系统带液量的装置及方法. 专利号: ZL 2012 1 0186777.2, 授权公告日:2014/04/23.
[4] 侯予,马斌,孙皖,李涛,赖天伟,陈双涛. 基于光干涉的气压分布测量方法. 专利号: ZL 2012 1 0532907.3, 授权公告日:2014/11/05.
Team and postgraduate training:
Multiphase Flow and Interface Phenomenon Laboratory (MFIP) currently has 2 professors, 4 associate professors, and 3 Hongshen young teachers; the team has long been engaged in reactor thermal hydraulic and safety analysis, phase characteristics in channels, and two-phase flow. We have carried out experimental, theoretical and numerical simulation research work; he has achieved fruitful results in phase transition problems and related problems of bubble dynamics. Undertook the thermal hydraulic research work of the new generation military reactor, Hualong No. 1 and advanced reactors, with a contract fund of more than 20 million yuan in the past five years, and has formed a domestic leading and world-renowned thermal hydraulic research team. The research group and China Nuclear Power Research and Design Institute, China General Nuclear Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., State Power Investment Corporation Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Aerodynamic Research and Development Center, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute, Atomic Energy Research Institute, Germany KIT, Purdue University and other domestic and foreign institutions have carried out extensive cooperation and talent training with universities.
In experimental platforms, our team currently has a six-degree-of-freedom motion platform comprehensive experimental bench for thermal hydraulic problems, a comprehensive experimental research bench for thermal hydraulic problems gas-water two-phase flow, a high-temperature and high-pressure comprehensive experimental bench, and a multi-scale liquid film measurement platform. , Micro-channel experimental platform, two-phase flow boiling comprehensive experimental bench with narrow and small flow channels, Bubble Dynamics Experiment bench (BDEP), water electrolysis experimental bench under magnetic field, high temperature pebble bed reactor effective thermal conductivity research experimental bench, low temperature Rafael nozzle The supersonic flow test bench, etc., is equipped with a power supply of 600kW. In terms of software platform, the team currently has a 12-node high-performance computing server, which can meet the numerical analysis and calculation of grids on the order of 50 million to 100 million. He has published more than 100 SCI papers, a single paper has been cited more than 60 times, and the total number of citations has exceeded 1,000.
Our team has long recruited doctoral and master students in energy and power engineering, power engineering, power engineering and engineering thermophysics, nuclear science and technology, etc. All students are welcome to apply!
For more details, please refer to the homepage of the research group:
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