Name |
Li Zhenzhong |

Department |
Thermal Energy and Power Engineering |
Title |
Contact Information | |
After getting the Ph.D. in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, I joined in School of Energy and Power Engineering at Chongqing University as a lecturer. I am interested in the multiphase turbulent flow, such as the particle-laden flow and the gas-liquid two-phase flow and boiling heat transfer, mainly focusing on studying the interphase interaction mechanism by numerical simulation and experiment methods. I am also interested in the multi-physics coupling in the flow laden with Nano or micro particles, for example the coupling between the particle transportation and heat transfer or chemical reactions.
Education Background:
2010 – 2016 School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Interests:
Multiphase Flow, Multi-physics Coupling, Boiling Heat Transfer, Concentrating Solar Thermal Power System based on Solid Particles, Dustproof and Dedusting Technology
Research Grants:
Investigation on the pseudo point source model and interphase interaction mechanisms in the flow laden with dissipation-scale particles. Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China. No. 51806023.
Selected Publications:
Journal Papers:
1. Zhenzhong Li, Deqi Chen, Dan Wu, Sufang Xin, Xiang Li. Subchannel analysis of thermal-hydraulic performance in rod bundle with spacer grid considering anisotropic turbulent mixing. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 167: 107039.
2. Zhenzhong Li, Yudong Ding, Qiang Liao, Min Cheng, Xun Zhu. An approach based on the porous media model for numerical simulation of 3D finned-tubes heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 173: 121226.
3. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Shanshan Bu, Bo Yu. A Frequency Analysis Method to Estimate the Relative Importance of Basset Force on Small Particles in Turbulence. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021, 139 :103640.
4. Shanshan Bu, Bo Chen, Zhenzhong Li, Junze Jiang, Deqi Chen. An explicit expression of empirical parameter in ZBS model for predicting pebble bed effective thermal conductivity. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2021, 376: 111106.
5. Xinxin Deng, Zhenzhong Li, Wenjie Li. Molecular dynamics simulation of evaporation of R32 on the solid surface. Modern Physics Letters B, 2021, 35: 2150133.
6. Shanshan Bu, Zhenzhong Li, Zaiyong Ma, Wan Sun, Luteng Zhang, Deqi Chen. Numerical study of natural convection effects on effective thermal conductivity in a pebble bed. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 144: 107524.
7. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. A pseudo point source model based on velocity coupled method for dilute particle-laden flow with dissipation scale particles. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2018, 103: 106-123.
8. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Analysis of Interphase Forces and Investigation of Their Effect on Particle Transverse Motion in Particle-laden Channel Turbulence. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2017, 88: 11-29.
9. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Direct Numerical Study on the Effect of Inter-particle Collision in Particle-laden Channel Turbulence. AIAA Journal, 2016, 54: 3212-3222.
10. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Direct Numerical Study of the Effects of Particle Parameters on a Particle-Laden Flow. Particulate Science and Technology, 2015, 33: 357-368.
1. Bowen Wang, Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Shanshan Bu, Deqi Chen. Numerical Study on Influence of Wind on Thermal Performance of Solid Particle Solar Receiver. Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Xi’an, Chian, January, 2022. (On line)
2. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Shanshan Bu, Bo Yu, Analysis and verification of interaction model based on the Poiseuille flow around a single particle. Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Dalian, China, December, 2020.
3. Xiang Yang, Jinkui Jia, Yudong Ding, Zhenzhong Li,Qiang Liao. Numerical study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of three-dimensional flat finned tube bundles. Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Guangzhou, China, November, 2020.
4. Shanshan Bu, Jie Wang, Bo Chen, Zhenzhong Li. Experimental analysis of effective thermal conductivity in packed beds: near wall region and bulk region. Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, August 2020.
5. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu, Analysis of relative importance of Basset force on small particles in turbulence flow. Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Yangzhou, China, September, 2017.
6. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Theoretical and numerical analysis of particle force in gas-solid in channel turbulence. Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Nanjing, China, 2015.
7. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Numerical study on the effect of inter-particle collision in gas-solid Channel Turbulence. Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Xi’an, China, 2014.
8. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Numerical simulations of particle-laden flow based on given friction Reynolds number and mean Reynolds number respectively. Proceeding of the ASME 2014 Fluid Engineering Summer Meeting, Chicago, USA, August 2014.
9. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Direct numerical simulation of particle-fluid flow with regarding the matching effects of two phases' calculation time. The 7th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion - ISMF2012, Xi’an, China, October, 2012.
10. Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei. Numerical study of the performance of an entrained-flow coal gasifier. Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2011, Kyoto, Japan, September, 2011.